Eternal Sunrise

ETERNAL SUNRISE (Trailer) by Guzmán de Yarza Blache from Guzman de Yarza on Vimeo.

Madrid, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago de Chile, Miami, Mexico DF, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Sydney, Singapore, Tokyo, Beijing, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, London & Madrid. 16 airports in 25 days. Two artists turn the world around without ever leaving an airport.

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One thought on “Eternal Sunrise

  1. I posted this entry in January 2015 because I had the thought “The sun is always rising“. I have not yet seen the full film. I have experienced several airports without (yet) leaving to explore the city – Abu Dhabi, Rome, Singapore, Sydney. Exploring Singapore airport is fun – we did a tour of five gardens, including a butterfly garden, in the airport on our last visit.

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