Making of 40 Most Mentioned

Acquiring the 40 famous paintings for 40 Most Mentioned was the hard part. Slicing and splicing was simple.

Creation of 40 Most Mentioned - Son of Man
Creation of 40 Most Mentioned – Son of Man, digital image


Creation of 40 Most Mentioned - Mona Lisa
Creation of 40 Most Mentioned – Mona Lisa, digital image

Creation of 40 Most Mentioned – Mona Lisa is based on Visitors of Louvre in front of Mona Lisa by Edal Anton Lefterov, available at, and is likewise licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Disclaimer: No physical paintings were harmed in the production of 40 Most Mentioned. The Mona Lisa was intact when I visited the Louvre in July 2013. If any of the paintings have been stolen or damaged, it wasn’t me.

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