How to Profit from Procrastination. Order now!

I’m writing a book about how to profit from procrastination.

Book cover
Get it on Apple Books

“I was procrastinating on Facebook and saw that a friend had recently written and published a self help kind of book.

I reminded myself of my unfinished novel.

I continued on with my procrastination on Facebook.

However, in the deep dark recesses of the back of my mind a seed of an idea was germinating.

Why not write a book about how to make a profit from procrastination.

It started as a joke – make a cover and some chapter outlines. Then presell it.”

For real

My quick research shows that there is not a lot written about the positive effects of procrastination. Most of the literature is about the dangers of procrastination and how to avoid it.

Almost everyone I know, for as long as possible, wants to procrastinate their inevitable death.

There is money to be saved by waiting instead of impulsively buying. Markets and products development can be explored while actively procrastinating on the finished article. And delays can often bring the wisdom of hindsight as others make mistakes you can learn from.

After one month and a day of procrastination, I wrote enough of the book to start selling it. In between procrastinations, I will publish further editions of the book.

You can buy the first edition now on 51 of Apple’s iBook stores [sorry, not available in China or Turkey yet].

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