Making Movies

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of acting in a movie.

The Instagrim Generation

For several years, the Outcasts team has entered the 48 Hours film-making competition. I joined the team and at 7 pm on Friday, we were given our genre (Generation Gap) and elements that needed to be included in the movie (wind, overhead shot, double-take, and audible laughter). We then brainstormed the plot, wrote the script, gathered costumes and props, scouted the locations, set up lights and cameras, filmed. scored, edited with titles and special video effects and delivered the finished movie with 2 minutes to spare on Sunday evening.

The film made it through to the regional finals in Wellington and was nominated for Best Use Of Required Elements – Overhead Shot and Best Original Score/Song.

The whole experience was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about making movies. While those, who were more skilled than I, were finishing the movie, I made a behind the scenes short movie. It contains several in-jokes and almost all of the elements of the competition entry.

Behind the Scenes

Director’s cut

The Instagrim Generation Director’s Cut: The Reapers

Director, Derrick Sims, released a director’s cut of the movie as The Reapers and added it to the Internet Movie Database.

Derrick has directed and appeared in other short films and so I now have a loose connection the Kevin Bacon.

My current Bacon Number is 4!

Theo Heartist was in
The Reapers
Derrick Sims
who was in
Making the Film: Come Morning
Michael Ray Davis
who was in
Tom Arnold
who was in
We Married Margo
Kevin Bacon

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